Weekly Updates 8/21/24

Wednesday, August 21st
Auditing and Accounting Committee Meeting
@6:30 PM
Thursday, August 22nd
Veteran's Committee Meeting
@ 6:00 PM
Friday, August 23rd
Empire Lounge/Speakeasy
@5:00 PM
Saturday, August 24th
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Membership Committee
@ 11:00 AM
Empire Lounge/Speakeasy
@5:00 PM
Queen of Hearts - Only 5 cards left!
Entry is complimentary. Registration requires membership at the Lancaster Elks Lodge. The current prize stands at $2,300. 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Registration
8:00 PM - Drawing
Sunday, August 25th
Bar Bingo
Bar Bingo starts at 3:00 PM
Tuesday, August 27th
Wing Night
Bar Bingo
@ 7:00 PM
Wednesday, August 28st
Senior Lunch Special
@12:00 PM
Senior Bar Bingo
@1:00 PM
In Other News
Capital Improvements Message from the Exalted Ruler

Thank you to all that have supported our initiative for the much-needed renovation of our Duke Street entrance!
For those who haven’t, please see the story boards located throughout the Lodge
for details of the first phase, which involves all the landscaping upgrades. Time
continues to be of the essence as we are fast approaching optimal planting season.
We can now accept cash, check and credit card donations. Please see our servers
and bartenders to contribute.
Thanks again and stay tuned for weekly updates.
Dave Harzinski, ER